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Software development, IT deliveries, consultations, analyses and implementations
HISYS, spol. s r.o.
Pod Pramenem 1633/3
140 00 Praha 4
tel.: +420 241 091 265
fax.: +420 241 091 261

IČO: 28539966
DIČ: CZ28539966
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HISYS, spol. s r.o.
was established in 2009

The company is 100% Czech owned. Our expert team derives benefit from longstanding experiences and know-how in a whole Information Technology industry, gained during former LOOK system and plenty of other projects development and realization - since the end of 1990’s.

Thanks to excellent quality of services provided, we succeeded to break into yet during the first year on the Czech market and we added plenty of successfully completed projects since this time.

The company is focused to:

  • development and realization of our own software solution - LOOK System with HiEntry,
  • deliveries of the IT equipment,
  • consultations to hardware and software environments,
  • analyses and implementations of the IT solutions,
  • and last, but not least we direct us to document digitalization and maintenance.
  • Thanks to complete and professional services we gained also the orders from state department branch.

More about projects and customers.

HISYS, spol. s r.o.